Birthday Inspiration – For girls

Its every mother’s dream of celebrating their baby’s first birthday…mine was not a dream until they told me things will get easier at 1 year… So, I kept dreaming every night with my best friend, when she would turn one. She is 16 months now, they told me when she is 2 years old things WILL get better. They lie! It is getting harder! Lesson learned from her first birthday? I ain’t throwing a 2nd! Here was the inspirational theme!


For the baloons you need to get frosted colors. That is what you have to ask for. You might know this…I didn’t. It made the color mood smoother. You can get the windchill from the Japanese store in MCC. I got the rest from Party Center and from Little luxuries in Town Center Mall. Cupcakes from Sugar daddy or homemade where you can control the icing.  High wood chair was from Ikea. Cake stand I got it from Tavola but you can also get it from Homes R Us.


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